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Nic Vaughan // [UN]FORSEEN

You may have heard of or seen the newest feature rolling out from called the RED Camera Film Festival Competition. REDirectSurf is a film festival competition in which the top 12 surf filmmakers were given a $50,000 RED Camera package and 4 months to go out and make a film of their choice. Today on SurferMag, the newest entry to the competition is being showcased and features none other than Rusty Surfboards' very own Nic Vaughan.

Rusty Surfboards team athlete Nic Vaughan truly is one to be following his dreams. Nic went to college, where he competed on the San Diego State surf team, studied finance and graduated with the prospects of great job opportunities. Nic however, had other ideas and decided to turn down a high-paying job at Morgan Stanley to instead pursue his dream of big wave surfing.

One of the filmmakers entering the REDirectSurf film festival, Bryce Lowe-White, decided to do his film on Nic Vaughan's story. The film, dubbed "[UN]FORESEEN," tells the backstory of this life-changing decision then goes on to follow a trip to Spain with Nic and Twiggy to scour the coastline in search of never-before surfed Big Wave spots.

"What an amazing adventure exploring the Spanish coastline in search of never before surfed big waves with one of my heroes, Grant "Twiggy" Baker," said Nic. "Like a mentor, he bestowed so much knowledge, everything from fine tuning my equipment and altering my approach on different types of big waves, to the potential for where my generation could take the sport of big wave surfing and where records will be broken on the biggest waves ever paddled. The trip had it's highs and lows, driving 4 hours here and 6 hours there, sometimes finding what we were seeking and other times not. Ultimately, our adventure led us to new places, to meet new people, and to endure new experiences, and just when we thought all hope was lost, we would round the bend to find something special. That's the search!"

There is also a "viewer's choice" component of the judging which is strictly off of number of views, so any traffic driven to this piece is huge. To view the short film about Nic, click the link below to check it out. It's sick!