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Rusty Del Mar Helps Raise $$ For Good Cause

For the month of September, Rusty Del Mar was one of the awesome surf shops to participate in the SIMA Humanitarian Fund’s 30-day fundraising campaign. StokesMe, the SIMA Humanitarian Fund’s 30-day fundraising campaign, came to a close at the end of September and raised an estimated $100,000 gross for 12 surf-related humanitarian organizations. Throughout the month multiple initiatives took place allowing surf industry brands, retailers, consumers and athletes to join forces in making a difference.

As final 2014 numbers are being totaled, the SIMA Humanitarian Fund Board of Directors estimates that 40% more was raised in 2014 versus 2013. This jump can be attributed to the increased amount of retail doors, brands and new partnerships that were involved this year.

A total of 76 retail doors dedicated the month of September to asking their customers to add a dollar to their purchases in order to donate to the SIMA Humanitarian Fund beneficiaries. The implementation of the initiative in the retail stores was vital in meeting the StokesMe fundraising goal.

Read the full press release and article here.